Sunday, March 30, 2008 |
Me and Dan ang came up with this SUPER COOL game...when your friends are playing and you are waiting this game can be pretty the objective of this game is u must sit @ the end of the table and try to use another coin the hit the coin that is spinning @ the end of the table..... then i did a little MAGIC just to please the CROWD........jon BLAINE.... HERE COMES the EXCITING PART..... I went to sleep around 3 plus...cannot sleep la tooooooo many things on my MIND once again.... Then finally got the MOOD to sleep...went into room and slept...then 4 pluse wake up like walao time pass so SLOW... Then went back to sleep....then i started to DREAM....the singapore dream(no la jkjk) It all started as if that the world was coming to an end.....the i saw 'C*****', i saw her and i told her...i really like u....i cannot leave this world without being with u....i just started pouring all my feelings for her...then she told me she had he same feeling(wished in reality also like tt)...then suddenly she came to know God...and we became great couples...just trying to LOVE each other more when the end times are comeing closer...they sky grew damn dark la...dark as in DAMN dark...then we held OUR hands so tightly...we were determined that nothing could seperate us...She told me we could have started earlier...(rite...guys it was a dream confirm everything good will happen to me cause i was the one who make it happen)....she was so PRETTY...the helplessness in her face was the reason why i fell for her....I kept her secure in my ARMS.... Then out of a sudden...i woke up...wa SBS la...but forced myself back to sleep to continue... so it continued...... No more end times....We became couple @ the streets...i started to hold her was a NICE feeling...i could really feel it...her hands was like small and i would wrap my hands around her's...and they she started the change the way we held our hands...she crossed all our fingers...LOL...then somehow or rather...alll the SBC member appeared out of no where...LOL went to TOWN..our paradise...LOL... Walk and walk and walk....tiredness was not an issue cause our hands were together...then we saw Asri and Nicholas Leong...LOL Asri was like "ey ey ey...LOL jon uh naughty uh" Nick was like, "Jon you finally got what u wanted..." i WAS like yeah (but ya again i remind was a dream)... Then i was like NEVER gonna let go of her HANDS...(this one in reality i also won't if i have the chance).... Then we continued to held our hands tightly and watch some Dance performance...LOL .... Damn it...then i wake up ler i saw the time it was 1pm time passed so fast when u were ENJOYING.....walao eh tried to FORCE myself back to JUST never seem to happen again.... i am willing to sleep for life as long as this DREAM keeps playing.... Ya thats all GUYS.... :) |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 10:10 PM |
Friday, March 28, 2008 |
My own Rule #1.... NV TO LET 'HER' BE SAD... Aisehh~ jon you so WEI DA...haha got my NEW HP pouch and Denise found out where is th FCUK outlet in TM...LOL it was in ISETAN...basket they sell all the stuff don even look like FC's clothing la...KNS...LOL then ya lo went in search for Denise's Stocking.... Then went to met Matt for a game of play and play then met my ex primary school classmate....LOL he want to 'qie' with me...then i bo bian must 'ying chou' LOL...then ayaiah let him win abit lo...LOL...must portray yourself weakt hen can have free games ma...LOL jkjk.... Then went to Tim's parents NEW house...which look exactly like the OLD ole except the smell...LOL...ya had a great time just meeting the family...LOL Erm...donno what to blog sia...... PS: Admin, i hope this post is to your liking...LOL it was not lame...i am serious...LOL -__- YEAH finally gonna meet 4E5 07' LOL...gonna have CLEAN FUN tonight....LOL i LOVE it when 4E5 come tgt...LOL cause we always enjoy ourselves... :) |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 9:59 PM |
Thursday, March 27, 2008 |
Yesterday 26th March 2008(WED) I went for X-ray...haha i tout i must take out my shirt all...then went into the room i took out my shirt half-way then the Doc(female) look at me and ask... Doc: Are you feeling HOT?!?! Jon: No uh...just getting prepared lo... Doc: *giggles* Have you ever taken an x-ray before? Jon: No..why u ask... Doc: X-ray no need take off clothings one... Jon: OooOOoOoOoOoO haha sorry Doc, sorry uh i 'Sua Ku'... Doc: Neh-mind(thats what she said)...jus stand here... Jon: Orh~(typical good boy) Doc: Ok now take in a DEEP breath and hold it there... Jon: HErrrrrrrrrppHHH *face turning blue* i HOLD and HOLD...then the Doc go to another room....KNS i tout why she go another room i thought she prank me sia...LOL then i go breathe and breath...Suddenly she open one door...then say..."i tout i told you not to breathe..." LOL...chey she need to go another room and take the shot...LOL PS sia...must take twice...i think my LIFE-SPAN jus shorten by 5-6 years...LOL... :P PS till siao can...LOL...then ya lo...haha...then she also keep laughing...then tell my MUMMY ...."Wa..your son very 'CUTE' " i could sense her sacarsium..-_- LOL.... Then got one night cannot remember liao...suddenly saw Jun Yong a.k.a Yong...LOL then we started talking cock on msn...when i was playing 'Dai Di' on Viwawa...KNS he make me LOSE 2 impt rounds...cannot concentrate la...the chat box keep lighting up...then he keep calling me NOOB...KNS sia...LOL then ya he gave me a call and we just talk cock till like 3.30am...haha damn sian la cannot sleep...then he better than Ramesh sia...haha he make ppl feel better bout themself...haha then he say.... Yong: Jon, don't complain...God give you eyes to see, ears to hear, nose to smell, tongue to taste and do other things....haha.... Jon: Hmmm...ya true...LOL (i agreed that Jesus gave me all those but i wonder which God he refering to ...)haha Then we talked and talked...haha then suddenly he like EMO...then i also EMO...then i shared with him some of my sad story la...KNS he tell me he very sad SINGLE for 3 years...LOL I told him i SINGLE for 17 years....then he say sometimes donno better than to know what isit like...LOL i say ayaih u try b4 then u tell me...i don believe one i MUST TRY then no good then i will noe...LOL.... Ayiah talked cock with him damn fun la...LOL just share stories...then he like damn Gan Chiong over little keep asking me HOW uh How UH....LOL...then i am like "........" how i know how...LOL...ayaih then my DADDY wake up then saw my room light still on...then came in ask me....."WHY SO LATE HAVEN SLEEP.." then i 'BO BIAN'...haha then go sleep ler...LOL then like tt la...i also donno what to blog le...ahaha...wake up damn early...gave Chermaine her usual wake up call...LOL...then Listen to her 'sexy' morning voice...LOL damn funy la J: Hey Sweetie...Good Morning.... haha C: got the pauses in between..) J: Still don wan wake up uh? C: LL....AA..ZZZY....L.AA.. J: Faster wake up go prepare ok...later LATE C: Alright sweet...msg you when i done :) Haha...her morning voice damn funny la...then i go record down let her hear...LOL then she like LAUGH till 'Phengs' can...LOL... AYIAH i seriously donno what to BLOG about lo...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH PS: Ying Quan thank you for your concren...LOL really appreciate it :) and your outing say wan2 plan till now also haven execute...LOUSY.....LOL :) PS: Dex 'bai tuo' i UPDATE liao u still dangling there on the SBC outing... PS: Cammie, please take care ok...don't burn too much Mid-night oil price rising... :P PS: Aim, FASTER come back.... PS: Denise, LOL sry uh that night...LOL ok la promise u go watch movie ok :) SBS(si bei sian) UH......LOL...... BYE BYE Labels: Promise ME, You'll WAIT for ME..... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 1:30 AM |
Sunday, March 23, 2008 |
1. Australia 2. NewZeland 3. Changi General Hospital haha quite OBVIOUS la...LOL i am @ CGH now...i know...i know don worry i am fine Ya la one of my friend's mom got into some slight injury...THANK GOD she is OK now...ya spend my WHOLE ENTIRE night in CGH...from 11 plus...till now...LOL...kinda fun la...haha then keep trying to find where got internet connection...LOL but just could not find damn 'PEK CHEK' LOL...finally went into the ward then got this area LOL wanted to get a PICTURE for u guys but scared to take picture la...LOL u know why la... HOSPITAL sia haha its really good area to slack...LOL since i cannot get a photo of it i will describe... here goes.... LOL here got all the sofa u will ever need...LOL can sleep...LIKE what chee kian is doin now... PS King #1 TV...which cannot on... donno why...haha USELESS...then got this vending machine which is LIKE selling freaking CHEAP drinks...LOL 50 cents for anything... hot/cold...damn shiok la...haha i also wan2 sleep but hor i was so excited to tell u guys all these that i cannot sleep...LOL...forgot to tell u guys...i tried sitting on a wheel-chair..LOL damn fun la...then i sudenly think...WALAO eh how many SICK patients used it b4 sia...LOL then i faster go toilet WASH my HANDS...LOL...damn funny la...haha..then went inside ask the security....... Jon: Bang, where the nearest toilet uh? Security: Why play with my wheel-chair now wan2 wash hand uh? Jon: *trying to act BLUR* HUH?!?!?! what u talking about.... Security: Now still wan2 act blur...i got CCTV la... Jon: haha LAX LAX...i just trying out la...never sit b4... Security: haha the toilet is @ B2 mus take a lift down... Jon: Ayiah nvm la...lazy uh... thx uh... Then i faster walk away...paiseh sia...LOL...then went out to see how was Chee Kian doing with his Poster for his tml some stuff @ school...i offered my help la..but i think wasnt much help...but he also 'bo bian' so late liao....i do anything he also agree with it ma...LOL...then i went to sleep on some bench like some Bangla...LOL i felt how they felt sleeping on the bench...TRUE...LIVE EXPERIENCE... Now...Leo also SLEEPING..... PS King #2 walao eh everyone PS me sia...LOL only now me and the NURSE...haha she chio sia... :P lax lax...not intrested in i only intrested in one thing now....................................................................................... haha ...i just finished my MILO....damn tasty la...LOL...SUPER NICE... ALL PS me !!!.... The HOT HOT MILO... Aunty is OK ler...but now need to stay in Hospital for few days observation...LOL tried to use my "charm" to make her smile...but she never smile...i damn sad sia...walao eh aunty like sian sian like that then i also sian sian...LOL.... Today got PPL complain my Blog getting EMO sia...HOW CAN THIS GO ON!!! My blog must make ppl LAUGH make ppl HAPPY...LOL sry ah dear readers...LOL these few days EMO abit cause ppl say EMO blog then got ppl tag...then try lo...haha but it doesnt seem to work...LOL i think i should stick to HAPPY and CHEERFUL blog...LOL.... Today went for church....was doin duty as INTERCESSORS...LOL professional sia the name...LOL.. then ya la had a GOOOD time prayer for the congregation...WELL WELL WELL what do you know... Cedric came to know the LORD...PRAISE GOD... :) haha then had soccer session which i was TOTALLY not aware of...then i wore my NEWLY bought Zara pants and my Dopie slipper to play soccer in the mud...LOL Zara was clean la...but Dopie was totally soaked in MUD!!! ArGhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! haha...LUCKILY can clean uh....hahahaha then GAVE MTT a suprise birthday present....if u know him well enough...he don like ppl to give him i think what we can do is to just WASH HIS CAR!!!!! its like been so MANY years ever since he WASHED his car...we scrub here scrub there...then found out that there was so much stain that could never been remove...its like a MILLION YEAR OLD STAIN...die die wont go away one...then now his CAR SUPER FAST la...because the WEIGHT of the DUST has been like F1 car sia...SHINY and FAST...LOL....he said it himself...LOL Then went to have dinner with some of them...Jun Wei(who was the one who said my blog 'EMO'), Cedric, Chee Kian(who is now sound asleep), Aaron...LOL..then Dexter's msg came...i saw his name only know confirm bout POOL...LOL Ya i was right...he ask me wan to POOL? LOL then i went lo...haha i IMPROVEED... yeahhhhhh...LOL ....then yeah went to Leo house awhile then ya...NOW I am in CGH... LOL fun-filled day la...but ya still PRAYING for aunty...she seemed very WEAKENED by the fall...ya :( AUNTY IF YOU SEE THIS...GET WELL SOON YA...MY MUMMY WILL COOK ALOT OF VEGETARIAN FOOD FOR YOU :)... HAHA i feel very UNCOMFORTABLE sia NV give u ALL goes..... NOW DOZING OFF LIAO...HAHA SEE YOU ALL SOON YA....*NEWAY THIS IS MY FIRST BLOG I DID OUTSIDE MY ROOM... :) YEAH!!!! Labels: I think I CANNOT GO FOR YOU.... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 12:08 PM |
Saturday, March 22, 2008 |
3 Points i brought home... 1)Start the day with God 2) Have compassion for those who tries to put you down...cause they are insecure... 3) Be Yourself, Rejoice in what God has given you....don Envy.... Welll....more and more competition....i donno how am i gonna win this...LOL...你要欢笑, 我天天都让你欢笑,你要安全,我会不顾一切的保护你。你要人疼爱你,我全心全意地疼爱你。haha....wa...very great devotion lo...haha but i donno la....seriously sia... COMPETITION is great...but like what one person told me...."JUST START ONLY WAN2 GIVE UP HOW TO WIN". i won other sport competition b4 but this kind of competition...i would say i have NEVER win I do as what i have said? GOD I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE.... :) THANK YOU FOR BEING THERE FOR ME IN TIMES OF NEED...YOU ARE REAL TO ME... THANK YOU...I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH... :) PLEASE HELP ME OUT THIS TIME TOO YA...I KNOW U WILLL :) THANK YOU... Labels: Should i not GO for YOU? |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 10:07 AM |
Friday, March 21, 2008 |
Thursday, March 20, 2008 |
i woke up already feeling like kinda not very well...cause ytd got this "FELLOW" keep trying to hint me to stay away from Cammie...then i am like...wth u wan from me...u like her u jio her la...why must come confront me like tt...somemore u are like one of my friend sia...then i already like don wanna go to sch liao...but ya u know i need to tell her bout some electronics stuff....i donno why is he so insecure...walao eh... Neway tt time AIMILLIE hor...i was not in ur WAY...please we are jus good buddies...and u on ur one-side thinking...thinks that u like her therefore she cannot go out with other guys...walao eh...u 10,000 BC uh??or 20,000?? i am wondering why are u so insecure...come-on...then must u like threaten me..."helping her out on D&T is not the way to her heart" walao eh u freaking have a complicated mind can...relax dude...i don have EVIL motive...the i was totally pissed off when this fellow came and msg me saying..."make sure u teaching D&T. haha. i got eyes on you bro.." i wonder the "haha" and "bro" came from where i don think my bros will say anything like tt to me...cause i don take threats well......i wonder whether can u get out of ur turtle shell and take a good look @ this worls...u got equal chance to woo a girl...threats won't work well dude...seriously i don wan2 spoil our relationship with you...but u gotts start having an open mindset...not to talk about dirty stuff...but to accept the way things are...and if u wan2 change it...not necessarily using threats.... aside..went for Santification weekend jus now...well many people had the MIGHTY VISITATION of the LORD...i donno why i could not have it...maybe because of the condition of my heart?? i really donno...i pray hard that tml when i go again...i will see miricles...i will see GOD touching me....i don wan2 be just a observer..i wan2 be part of His works in us as a i decided to forgive the guy and i felt that i shouldent hold on to anything...just so if "he" read this..."Hey i FORGIVE u drom the bottom of my Heart, i will bear no grudges with you...maybe u were jus playing around with me...but ya i didn't take those msges well... thank you hope that we will still maintain a healthy relationship as friends :)"...yeah tts about it la...i think i don wan2 go into details about what actually happen but jus wan2 ya voice out my heart... Tml....Day 2 of Santification weekend...cannot wait to go...haha cause Chermaine is going @ 5 so i am going @ 5 too...might be slighty late :( she going off @ 6 tts hy i am going down early...haha...ya thats aside i also think i should spend time with the God who LOVES me.. :) GOOD NITE PEOPLE :) THANK YOU FOR READING TILL THE END.... Labels: YEAH yeah YEAH yeah YEAH..... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 8:47 AM |
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 |
When it rained we decided that we should just go shop around look out for any nice and i was looking for my ear walk and walk...the rain never seem to go we decided to BUY an umbrella...haha actually we got in our mind that we just go "skam" some old man or lady to lend us the umbrella la...haha budden cannot leh like see them so POOR we've got a HEART then we went to EDC...saw this super nice umbrella...then wanted to buy sia...$19.90 then Rahman like say ayiah don wan la....haha then i also think ayiah no need do good one neway the umbrella also not say con "CONFIRM" no water touch us...ya we decided to walk BHG to see any budget were ATTRACTED to the 'Lacoste' perfume being the budget he tried some on and it ATTRACTED the sales eh actually i wan2 spray also then he go spray fest then the sales girl come...haha...SBS damn nice smell la... After a LONG JOURNEY...... we finally saw the umbrella so many hanging and but my eyes were looking for budget then i say this hanging in one DARK looks like use b4 then i guess that should be belongs to the sales person so we were like....................... Rahman: aye jon faster lei find the budget budget one..... Jon: ayaih wat budget i can find no need money Rahman: where got.......??? Jon: Neh... Rahman: *Grinning from ear to ear* Jon(talking to myself): erm BORROW uh... Both of us walk fast fast out of then Rahman scare he said "sia la...jon faster the people follow us la sial...." the i scared then wakl fast then suddenly he broke into laughter...i like shit u la... XD.... Then went to Sinta Electronics...rmb ytd's help my friend find D&T stuff...ya...then talked to uncle Francis awhie then gave great opinions...then Rahman called the auntie macam he so confident the aunty remember was like "AUNTY!!!!!!!" then he smile smile...haha...i betcha aunty tout he siao Then we went Bugis Street in-search for my ear had a hell of a Rahman la...walao ey flirt with the staff then we went up to third floor...then want to go down must go from "EXIT" went then saw 2 'Ah Lians' sitting down then i like PS to walk pass them uh then i told Rahman to go back then he ask why??? DRUGS UH???lol then i laugh like siao can...then we went up found out that the "EXIT" was the ONLY then 'bo bian' must walk pass Then after found my stud...we went back to return since we said "BORROW UH"...LOL...Rahman went there first then i like actually syggested go to customer service and say, "erm...excuse me..i found this umbrella...bye"..then rahman say don la..jus go back i say anything the the most funny thing happen.....cause i was hesitating where to put...then he took the umbrella and also follow me "TALKED TO HIMSELF" HAHA...he was like....... "aye...the SALEs person say put the umbrella here..." lol..i laugh till 'PHENGS' where we got it then we go then we went down to a "RUN-DOWN" SP...haha no offence...haha not bad la then go here go there walao eh got shelter Rahman don wan bring me walk...walao he bring me walk open then wet la...haha...then i like shout..."WALAO EH!!! SP SUCK UH!!!!!!" ...but only when no one could possibly hear he laugh...then got "Fellow Bangla" then i ask my "FELLOW" friend ..."AYE YOU GOT UMBRELLA ANOT WE WET LA" knn...he only know how to SMILE...walao eh...contrast i not racist...Bangla actually my good my course gonna have LOADS of them...haha must learn how to "use" them...nah jkjk...haha i very kind de...throughout i was like trying to criticise the found out that today Rahman cannot do his Laptop then bo bian lo...haha alot other things happen that was funny but to list them all down uh would take the whole so u wan2 know jus ask neways guys out there will be a "GREAT POLY GARAGE SALE!!!" HAPPENING ON THE 19/04/2008(SAT) 11AM-6PM...HAPPENING @ EMMANUEL HOUSE CARPARK (NEAR ALJUNIED MRT) NO.10 LOR 27A, GEYLANG RD. *TO PROMOTE WORLD VISION* ya...i think thats should conclude my day i now goin to meet up Leonard (i think) haven let him know wat time kk see ya guys.... SUNSHINE SISTER...I MISS YOU...LOL XD... Labels: I WON'T GO HOME WITHOUT YOU :) |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 3:40 AM |
Tuesday, March 18, 2008 |
haha...NO HIGHLIGHT sad....actually have only happened @ tt explains the ya help my "FRIEND" with D& got my fire my "friend" donno how to explain the design...haha then i made my "friend" draw @ the chat box there...haha so funny la heres a picture of it... ![]() FUNNY RITE...then tried to explain how to do the technology...walao must call Francis in the night i damn ps la...(btw francis is the boss of Sinta Electronics)...haha he also thank god he willing to help tml gonna head down to Sinta to help my dear "friend" see what electronic she can put in her wa now MRT fare very ex ah must claim...haha jokn la... do i look like some CHEAPO ppl to you who always ask for money...haha Thank God also Rahman(META bro jkjk) going with last time i always go with him his what are BROTHERS okok she sleep liao i think it's meaningless for me to stay online "friend" say that Tan Woon Wee gonna label her don worry you are a treasure in most haha i will help u in every "GAMBATEI" TO ALL GVSS SEC4 2008 STUDENTS, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR CHEMISTRY PAPER TML... Labels: I AM GOING ALL OUT FOR "YOU" |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 8:53 AM |
Monday, March 17, 2008 |
@ 2 plus msged her, she wasn't feeling good...mood affected by some stuff la...then i also bo bian...just chatted with her....tried to see what i could do...but yeah...thank god she never cry over the phone...would not uh i haha later ppl say i make GIRL cry again...haha sended her some links on "popping"...apparently she likes that kind of then she saw my stupid video on "Smack That" lol...then we starting laughing...then we saw some stupid boys doin lip sync also on youtube...laugh till phengs then very fast siol...4pm came...went to meet up with Ernest...haha to do tired now uh...long time nv dance so "Hiong" liao...haha we had "shuffling" "popping" and he thaugh Syara how to "c-walk" tired uh today like damn lazy to blog sry ppl... ((: Labels: I am coming back for YOU... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 5:03 AM |
Sunday, March 16, 2008 |
Pastor: I know there are some people out there thinking and getting pissed thinking, why are the people around me all getting a GF/BF..but i am left all alone..only i am left... Jon: walao this one really sia...why huh?? Pastor: Don't blame God, cause his timing is always BEST for you... Jon: Ya...i i better wait...amen... LOL...Daniel Puah suddenly called me...ask me wan2 go "chill out" anot...walao slack sae slack la...sae till so HIGH CLASS...he think he ANG also jio TERENCE his "DI PAN" then Yi Xiang also there....then we sit down...sit down...Kok Sin came along... lol we had bubble tea and guess what the bubble TEA got letters one on the cover guess what letter i got... LOL...fated la...haha...SERIOUSLY sia...i also IT'S A SIGN... Then we played a little BASKETBALL...walao my skills "lan" till really "lan"...sian one half... then jus play play lo...laugh laugh...haha then we had stupid home-made videos...please watch.... Then we sit @ Kopitiam for supper...Yi Xiang go buy Big Glup...everything was alright untill....he reach the table...walao eh the drink drop...the full cup drop till like left 1/4...haha then we like sip untill so "gang ko" lol...SBS lo...haha then ate some noodles...haha then all of us BUS-ed home...loland just so you know..YI XIANG IS FREAKING LAME.... GOOD NITE PPL ((: btw i donno what happen to the video got 2 empty video not affect just click play button..i think is YX face thats why like that lol...sry just stating facts.. Labels: I am coming back for YOU... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 9:22 AM |
Saturday, March 15, 2008 |
Friday, March 14, 2008 |
LOL this morning woke up @ 10.30am...then kinda wash up and got changed...Met up with Mr Tan and Leonard to have a closure to our K.I.S(keep in step) program. we had LUNCH @ this Thai Restaurant.. we had buffet and ya it was great :) haha crab...prawn...and our ever amazing "Chendol" and "Red Ruby" lol my "Red Ruby" how got special ingredient one...haha i saw this yellow yellow thing i thought mango...then i put 2 basket suddenly i eat...the aroma like macam different leh...skully that was sweet potatoe...walo spoiled my whole dessert...then Leo's Chendol wasn't that fantastic either...tasted like cough results of anyhow mixing)...haha then we went to shop for ear studs...Parkway so big cannot find the stuff we wanted to find...sian 1 half...then we talk bus go back Pasir Ris...haha then go studs @ the New new generation but the uncle in the store seemed like he was from the PREVIOUS ah uncle...) but he very good de he charge me super low price...everytime like tt one..haha HE ROCK...\m/...haha :) Then went back home to relax...chatted with Sunshine sis for a then the whole day I never contact her...which i gues was a first step to forget her...yup :) jia you Out of a SUDDEN...Rashid called ask me wan2 go Zouk anot...walao "tio chua" haha then told me like only me and him go...walao macam GAY sia...then so Last minute i also SBS...ya la..maybe tell me earlier i will go but it's like 3 and a half hours to get my hair done...(joking)... Then went to meet Dexter and WeiLi..haha had a session of watching them play pool while i played BurnOut on the basket sia...true enough the game "BurnOut" really burned-out the battery...then i got no more game play le...haix...sadded...then i bo bian only can EMO one but after 1 turn came...haha play and play but today lose standard "buey zun" ah today...donno why...maybe TOO MANY 'THINGS' are pre-occupying my MIND...haha...then OUT came DEXTER's laopei...haha he came to join us...haha then i today off form he come..then i like Pai Sei but i think ya better to appear like tt can learn more...true wat when u appear weak ppl will teach u more...then u can absorb more ma.. :) true rite...haha donno why i so CLEVER... Then ya went to have SUPPER @ our hang out area sia...our 'DI PAN' haha had a GREAT time chatting with UNCLE and AUNTY..bith of them so LOVING uncle 'BAO DAO WEI LAO" haha aunty "YONG YUAN QING CUN" lol LOVING couple in God's hand...i pray hard that God will bring this kind of thing into my life jkjk...God i am not RUSHING you...but yeah u know whats on my mind don't you :) yeah i think that concludes my whole simple yet FUN-FILLED... :) Sister and Sayang all not online.... ): GOOD NITE PPL... Labels: :) |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 10:08 AM |
Thursday, March 13, 2008 |
Ya...i heard this song with says.....i shall translate, its in chinese.... People around me have already found their partners in LIFE All is left is ME... I yearn for the day where i can hold 'HER' hands and walk down the red carpet Till that day i will be lonely and helpless.....(and the song goes on) Sia la...FEELING SAMA siol...what the heck...BTH(buey tahan) ahhhhhhH!!!!!.... GIVE UP? CONTINUE? LOSE CONTACT?(like i always do) TAKE UR PICK....and tag macam playing story book game sia....lolayaih...LOST la sia....i think i goin bonkers liao lo...everytime need to deal with such things....waahahahahahahahaaa.... i think i goin to talk to SAYANG BYE BYE Labels: NO more LOVE.... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 9:08 AM |
O ya... jus now bathing hor...MY MUMMY change the shampoo in the dispenser, without me then i go bathe...haha my hair turned into HONEYDEW!!!! lol where i walk like become fruit market like honeydew...shiok ah...body spray like STRWBERRY, the hair like HONEYDEW hope no DURIAN SMELL... LOL after see-ing Ying Quan's blog...i also got the TEMPTATION of putting a sian ah... Ate Home-Cooked noodles for Luch .......Dinner had Spaggitti...haha Nothing musch to POST le...jus waiting for her to come talk to me....apparently no response from sian AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(: Labels: ♥ C |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 3:52 AM |
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 |
Well woke up @ 10.30am, lol somehow my brain has an AUTO-ALARM 'ZUN ZUN' 8 hrs of sleep i will wake up...wan2 sleep 5 mins more also cannot 2.30am i slept 10.30 wake up...extrodinary huh? haha well maybe it's a GIFT from God telling me not to sleep my LIFE away...haha Today's Psalm really touches me... v5: He will endure as long as the sun, as long as the moon, through all generation. THANK GOD FOR THIS PSALM... Well now waiting for my mummy to come home with the i think she bought home some 'Wang-Di Chicken' lol hope it is nice...thenn can prepare to go 201 liao....'STONE-BENCH' clubbers see ya ard ppl...... Labels: ♥ C |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 2:37 AM |
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 |
then suddenly recieve Cammie's msg...haha she fell asleep(as usual) last then i told her i @ WS going to TP after take photo...haha i swear what is goin to happen next was not pre-arrange, she told me she also @ WS then i 'CHUA tio' then i am like huh???wat u doin @ WS so early...STALK me uh? lol jkjk...then i am like ooOOOoooOoOooo ok... so it goes on and on she say waiting for friend...then i told her i alone...then she also say she alone...then she ask me where am i...told her i @ basement...she come find me...go walk walk see see walk walk.... *typical women* then she wanted to go into More than Words..haha bought this FREAKING sour sweet..then she though facial wash then i made her eat she went...........*face cramp* my english getting poor-er and poor-er...sorry MISS PREM) it's time for us to was always hard to say good-bye...but SHE had to go...leaving me all alone to take my PITIFUL bus...haha *drama* BUS 15 came and i left for TP..... reach TP...trying to act like one of the TP-ians, then all was rather smooth the suddenly they saw my enrolement broke everything..then i need to humble myself down and admit...i am a lo...wait like 20 mins then use the computer they provide "kao-tim" already...haha but thank god...the admin staff were very kind and curtious...the i printed my stuff then the printer was next to thins 'Pheeewwweeet' girl...she also FRESHIE then i print liao forgot to take..then she walk to me.... she asked: "hey...are you Mister Lee?" i replied: "yeah, anything i can help you?" (step pro) she asked: "yeah erm you printed out ur paper and forgot to ya here is it" i replied: "then i am like O ya..*smiling away* how could i have forgotten...thank you :)" i continued the conversation: "so are you also registering? hi my name is jon :) " she replied: "o ya i am also a new-comer, my name is Rachel, in business school :)" i sadly ended the conversation: "O, i am in ENGINEERING school, nice meeting you :) " then i was like psps...then i walked away...suddenly remembered forgot to ask for no. lol....ayiah forget it...then i went off back to WS...then RAIN-ed so HEAVILY...i was stucked @ WS...then i ask my MUMMY whether today can do body check up :) so she told me ok...but need to give her some time...she need to prepare (god knows what) i am the one doing check-up i began to "STONE" @ level 4, un-expectedly... Cammie came up and saw me stone...she went like "jonathannnnn......jjooonnnaatttthaann..." then like so soft then cannot hear ma...then the third time..i turn around and saw............"Lady in RED"(she was wearing red) haha if you guys know the song...u all can go search...NICE SONG...(love song)....haha not bad uh...haha then she went toilet...then i stone when she come out she call me again... LOL sry ah CAMMIE....need to call me so many times...PSPS...then she went down the escalator...while doin the "ZAO PAI" *backward turn smile* haha mesmerised Mummy FINALLy then went to ELIAS...haha then doctor like so FREAKING "Si-Wen" kinda nice, than was like talking to me about my intrest and my course...which was a WORLD-Apart...but he said it's's the THINNKING PROCESS...then i think it through....aye.....not bud uh this some sense...haha...then ask me go do URINE the MOST funny one lor....haha i went wondering how to start...should i "DO" into the cup FIRST or into the toilet bowl FIRST.....i hesitate FREAKING HARD to DECIDE la.....haha then i use my SUPER THINKING SKILLS.... #1 "DO" into the bowl first then see any left over "DO" it into the cup....then think...think...thinkkk....."buey-sai" leh...haha later cannot control the last part to put into the container how??? *headache ah* #2 "DO" it into the container and the when gonna full try to "gek" and shift to the toilet bowl...sound like a PERFECT then i try it...............*the PROCESS*....................................finally!!!!! i am sucessful.....MISSION, so PROUD of FINALLY finish the whole then Wai Leong ask where am i....then i say he come find me while both of us wait for Zhong Jie and then wait amd wait....untill the clinic then we need to wait untill 1830hr...then we all like SIAN la...haha then we go WL house and slack....haha play PSP...Dua Dai you name it we did ....then @ 1845 another fellow was Hong he ask we all go Chai Chee see doc...then we all scold say he siao uh...haha that side so WU-LU later dog chase ah...haha...then we play and play...then went down @ was a rather fast process but they too did the URINE TEST... haha WL went in like super long la...haha donno he passing URINE or pass wat IT was DINNER to then donno which smart alec recommand LAN-gaming...then some bodoh kids also follow and go play for 2hrs plus....haha one thing i am so HAPPY is that they nv PS me go play DOTA...they 'Jiang yi qi' play CS with me :) muahaha...then we went for supper lo...kenna tempted to eat supper...lolthen ya la now so full cannot sleep so i am BLOGGING lo....haha ya but i think getting late la...i better go sleep...and i donno WTH Dexter still online...BET he 'Korean drama-ing" lol lame sia....haha... Good Nite ppl :) Labels: LONG DAY.... |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 10:27 AM |
Monday, March 10, 2008 |
the stupid butoon is on top ^.^ thx to CAMMIE lol...although i found it hor...but they say got error...i cannot upload the photos..haha but nvm u can aways go to my Friendster to check out the nice it's been great giving my first POST mf my doubt more will come...haha k i gotta stop here rusching off to a movie with the "STONE-BENCH" Clubbers...haha the super ON although we still donno wat to watch but i know we will know later.. haha, and i chat with "her" on the phone for the first (random please ignore, it has no meaning) XD XD Labels: what is this? |
(未来巨星) has scribbled 2:43 AM |
![]() JONATHAN LEE ![]() |
S.B.C :DTerenceDexter WeiLi Canoe-Polo :DTeam BlogDamiAn Ethan Fernando Sean"Fat-Shit" Benedict (NPCP) NEXO!:DNEXOBadd Becca Cherie Desmond Dola Ella Hilman Hui Ling Hui Ya Jia Min Jacqueline Jia Jie Kai Wen Kay Kevon Kimberly Kori Latif Liyi Lynette Maybelle Mitch Nicolas Pauline Persie Phoebe Rai Ryan Sean Shah Shihui Sophia Sylvia TS Wongiee Yun Ru Zhi Yong Zyndie NEXO's Freshies!:DAndrewCher Ying Eunice Jason Jee Hui Jessica Jolyn Ling Hui Melly Nabila Nadira Noreen Stephanie Venecia Zhan Rong OTC 08' :DShiHua (Holqa)The Usualls :DGay BrothersMaman Alon Yi Wen Azamat Ladies :DCammieRos Mdm Ng WeiXin YingQuan Martha Aim 'BF' Tiffany HuiHui Sis Syara Jia Hui Val Ong Li Ping(RedPAC) Fang(RedPAC) Ashila Wuan Yi Rebecca Jeanie Feli(RedPAC) Joey Annice! Gentlemen :DKavanShairul Nicholas Leong Kenze Guo Xian Ernest Bernard Sim KT Jun Wei Ps Seng Lee Kevin Organizations :DGVSC |
Sounds :DSometimes When We Touch (album version) - Rod Stewart |
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